Friday, January 27, 2012

The Reality of Progressions

I had an amazing epiphany today about moon signs shifting in the progressed chart.  Recently, I pulled up my progressed chart, something I haven't done in a while and I realized my progressed moon sign had shifted from Pisces to Aries.  This fact of the shift having taken place snuck up on me. Yet at the same time, it made sense and definitely correlated to the me that had suddenly become more impatient and more outspoken about what I want.  So today on the busride home, I started to wonder when this shift took place. I knew it had to have taken place within the last few months, because that's when I noticed the most changes in me.  I took a couple guesses. Then I plugged a couple different dates and months that it could have possibly taken place.  And I pinpointed the exact day it took place.  And it made complete sense to me. 
September 2011-The shift of my progressed moon sign took place on September 4, 2011. Can you feel the changes of signs in progressed charts?  YES! I know I did.  Significantly.  On the days leading up to that beginning with Labor Day I felt a buildup of tension so tangibly.  I remember waking up on Labor Day with my heart racing out of anxiety.  I felt bitterly, painfully disconent with where I was with my life. And this feeling came SUDDENLY- out of nowhere. Felt fear,  Scared of my future.  Felt stuck where I was. A desire to break free but not knowing how.  Needing help but not knowing how to attain it..  I felt claustrophibic, needing space from everything that was taking away my attention from taking care of myself..  I felt drained due to all the activities and people I was giving my energy to.  Discontentment.  Anger at myself.  Anger at those things and people that diverted my energy from myself.  I remember that Labor Day waking up out of nowhere with a racing heart.  Thinking and worrying and thinking and worrying.  And this is not my personality.  This is not something I ever do.  And I cried. I cried and I cried.  I was a black hole. I never felt like that in my whole life.  I felt that I needed to do something different.  Frustrated to due a feeling of a lack of purpose.  And fearful because of my financial security.  Desiring independence (Aries).
September 4, 2011- This is the day that my my progressed moon shifted from Pisces to Aries.  I was also PMSing this day and I assumed that my turmoil of feelings was just a byproduct of that, but now I see the real cause. And if anything, the PMSing just amplified it! But on this day, I remember feeling ambivalent.  I was feeling very protective of my space, my energy, my time, my resources, my money, my emotions. Resentful towards anyone I had to devote a drop of it to, for whatever reason! I remember spending that day with someone special for their birthday but I was not myself at all. I was irritable.  I was not myself. 
September 10, 2011- I expressed the turmoil I was feeling to someone I trusted (Virgo).  We discussed it and set up an action plan together.  From that night on, that turmoil lifted.  My Virgo helped find the courage in myself to forge ahead and work towards my career and financial goals.  And I continued to work towards that.

SO yes, I did feel the shift of my progressed moon signs- mainly  from in action to action.  I'd like to discuss more later on the effect this shift has had on my personality.    But feeling the shift was like an earthquake..... feeling the tension underneath the earth from the tectonic plates buildng and building up until it can't take it anymore. That's how it felt.
Astrology is so real.  And the connections I make through it amazes me.  More to come on this topic.

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